Model Pipe Dream
Class High Performance Shortboard
Subclass Barrel Board / Half Step / Step Up
Personality Carvey to Locked-In
Nose Rocker Aggressive
Tail Rocker Aggressive
Rails Performance
Bottom Contours Single
Ideal Wave Range Head - Double Overhead
Functional Range 5' - Double Overhead+ (board length dependent)
Ideal Wave Shape Almondy to Hollow
Functional Wave Shape Bowly to Hollow
Ride Feel Balanced/Smooth to Locked-In
Range of Motion Full Range | Max 90°


The Pipe Dream is a machine for barreling days from windswell beach break dredgy drainers to groundswell reef break almondy dreamers. I first developed the Pipe Dream pretty early on in my surfboard building career before a surf trip to Nicaragua. I wanted to a build a barrel board for the trip, but wanted it to hold its own here at home in NJ tubes, too. Knowing some of the perfect almondy Nicaraguan waves I also wanted it to have one heck of a rail game as well and not just be a straight-shooter. Definitely a lot to ask for a hyper-specific board, but after careful designing & ample refinement, I'm extremely proud of how well the Pipe Dream handles the full range of home and surf trip tubes along with power surfing arcs & carves.

The Pipe Dream has a very similar outline and rocker as the Dream, my all-around high performance shortboard, but is a touch longer, a touch narrower, a slightly different rocker curve & a tight rounded pin tail. Single concave carries through nearly the entire board to provide consistent lift, drive, responsiveness and just enough curve in the straighter rail line. The Pipe Dream is that perfectly-shaped board need to make critical barrels & get the deepest slot.

Why are all the length dims in .5 increments? Well rail length is important for that hold, so it's just my cheeky way of encouraging that extra rail hold for that set wave of the day!

When the waves are heavy & barreling, you absolutely NEED the right board for those conditions. For shortboarders, that board IS the Pipe Dream.

Length Width Thickness Volume
5'7.5 18 3/8 2 1/8 23.8 L
5'9.5 18 1/2 2 3/16 25.1 L
5'10.5 18 5/8 2 1/4 25.9 L
5'11.5 18 3/4 2 1/4 26.3 L
6'0.5 18 7/8 2 5/16 27.0 L
6'1.5 19 2 3/8 28.2 L
6'3.5 19 1/4 2 7/16 30.5 L
6'5.5 19 1/2 2 1/2 32.6 L
6'7.5 19 3/4 2 1/2 34.2 L
6'9.5 20 2 9/16 37 L
All dimensions are customizable. Longer sizes available.



Recommended setup for your Pipe Dream: